1. Title of the page

83 Responses to 1. Title of the page

  1. Rudi Rudolph says:

    Native Americans’ were being imprisoned within their reservations caused them to develop initiatives to break free from Federal Indian Policy and the Indian Boarding School was the first to begin that movement.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Your sentence is not accurate. The Indian Boarding School experience was also a federal policy. So how did it constitute an effort to break free?

  2. Rudi Rudolph says:

    Ch. 18
    In 1890, women from different suffrage associations merged into one large association called The National-American Women Suffrage Association, to fight against the challenges women faced in America, but turned out to only embrace discrimination by not welcoming African American women into their association.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Good content, but you aren’t really discussing cultural change as much as the multiculturalism topic of Patriarchy and the challenges to the gender hierarchy.

  3. christine fernandes says:


    During the changing times of the roaring twenties the development of the car and radio allowed people to experience a cultural change and give in to the new era of mass leisure and consumer power.

  4. Rudi Rudolph says:

    Ch. 21
    In July 1925, The Butler Act was put into affect which had sparked one of the first controversial arguments containing a debate between creationists and evolutionists.

  5. jdelgaudio says:

    Follow directions, begin the topic sentence with a topic. Which one goes with this material on the Butler Act?

  6. Rudi Rudolph says:

    Ch. 23
    The war took away all the men to fight and gave women the opportunity to gain employment, which created Rosie the Riveter, the symbol of women taking over the jobs that were originally labeled “men jobs”.

  7. Rudi Rudolph says:

    Ch. 25
    The racial injustice was becoming unbearable in the south in the 1950’s, which forced blacks to take a stand against the white supremacy by organizing sit-ins and boycotts to demand equality.

  8. christine says:

    topic 35

    The US government took a more liberal approach with one of its main focuses being on improving the lives of Americans especially those in poverty during the 1960’s, such actions taken to decrease poverty were led by president Lyndon Johnson who was criticized by both liberals and conservatives at the time.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Good topic sentence on the anti-poverty policy, but your topic could be simpler and more direct if you started with the topic, the anti-poverty programs of the 1960s.

  9. Rudi Rudolph says:

    The backlash against feminism were from the women who actually took pride in the homemaker role and felt that the feminist movement would “destroy the family”.

  10. Bertha Gil says:

    Women’s suffrage movement and the 19th amendment was a critical role in the progressive movement.

  11. Denise Miller says:

    Topic 20: Migration of African Americans from the South

    The Migration of Africans from the South led to many cultural changes; racial discrimination was still rapid in the urban north, while Mexicans migrated to jobs in the American Southwest and Midwest for economic reasons.

    Denise Miller

  12. Bertha Gil says:

    Culture conflict between Science and Fundamentalist Religion during the 1920’s was important because states prohibited the teaching of Evolution in schools, the first media entertainment was the Scopes trial.

  13. Brittany Zarate says:

    Topic # 23: Beginnings of Mass Culture, Mass Entertainment, and Mass Leisure

    The 1920’s ignited a pre-progressive approach where big business flourished and mass culture, entertainment, and leisure became the forefront of Americans personal lives.

  14. bertha gil says:

    The baby boom affected the American culture while many families were able to buy homes and improve their lifestyle many were still concerned about the struggle of communist.

  15. Rachael Richards says:

    Cultural change
    Topic # 8 The status of Labor

    The status of labor during WWII opend the doors to women to perfom jobs once done by men, such as Rosie the Riviter, that aided the war propaganda to gain Americans support for the war effort and resolve the Great Depression.

  16. joshua davis says:

    Topic# 31-Affluent Nuclear Families in the 1950’s

    The post-war allowed the men to return to the workforce, limiting the opportunities for working women and forcing women to find lower wage jobs, to help financially support their families, especially while their husbands attended college.

  17. Richards, Rachael says:

    Ch 29
    Topic # 55: Diversity in the 1990s: Persistence of Racial Conflict
    The 1990s demonstrated the persistence of religious, sexual, and ethnic conflict, events sensationalized/highlighted in the media, causing a reaction across the nation; a nation that had the highest rates of poverty, lack of health insurance, lowered education opportunities, and trend of welfare recipients that sought recognition and equal rights.

  18. joshua davis says:

    Cultural Change
    Topic # 39: Women’s Liberation

    The movement for women’s liberation arose in the late 1960’s as a way to resist limitations and expectations and they were built on developments earlier in the decade.

  19. Allison W. says:

    Racial discrimination encompassed the late 1800’s as the reign of “white supremacy,” sponsored by white scientists and authors, swept over the country in a rush.

  20. Chris LaRiviere says:

    Cultural Change
    Topic #13 Frontier Times and American Imperialism

    With the alleged disappearance of the Western Frontier fears of limited resources, lost lands, and the desire for continued growth fostered a need for America to move toward Imperialistic ideas of overseas conquest of “lesser” peoples and cultures.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Your topic description is erroneous, but your sentence content is very good. A solid topic sentence would begin, “The Frontier Thesis helped justify imperialism as a result of the alleged disappearance . . . etc.

  21. adrian perez says:

    chapter 18 growth in culture mixing and traditions is what advance the american people in the 1860’s and on, till this day we have alot of luther standing bear, that leave there culture and go back home to advance there people.

  22. adrian perez says:

    in the 1900s mexican laborers became americas solution to the labor problems during the newlands act of 1902.

    • Julian DelGaudio says:

      What is your topic specifically from the topic list. You might need to broaden your content to conclude other immigrant groups from this time.

  23. adrian perez says:

    chapter 21 1920s was a battle in the business and labor field but cultural talents took the spotlight for that era like jazz,baseball, football or olympians, people like jack dempsey or babe ruth all took a spotlight that many more till this day followed.

  24. Katherine Berry says:

    Rosie the Riveter transformed the role of women by depicting them as war workers who built planes and ships instead of homemakers who cooked and cleaned.

  25. adrian perez says:

    ch. 24 A black man was quoted on a the views of a white man thought of him ” i went into the army a nigger,” “but came out a man”
    Enough blood was shed in a war that no matter what race you was yyou rightfully should be a citizen now. Sadily that wasnt the take as in the south they were still lynching and beating.

  26. morganmariev says:

    Topic: the baby boom
    The baby boom took occurred right after the war, when the men came home to their families, this caused a major growth in birth rate at the time. It was the largest jump in birthrate ever seen.

  27. adrian perez says:

    ch.25 Black leaders and other officials noticed that the national government needed to promote civil rights at home to fix the embarrasment felt through out the cold war, was a oppurtunity to start pushing harder for change in civil rights.

  28. adrian perez says:

    topic 36. women were tired of the same routine of being just a house wife. Personally i feel they no longer wanted to be belittled in there roles as a women. Women rights was portrayed as men haters, because the simple fact they wanted rights in work, sports. and school.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Follow directions. Begin your topic sentence with a topic and link it to the content related to the topic. Your sentence is more like what would be found in the body of the topic paragraph.

  29. morganmariev says:

    Topic # 54: Immigration and increasing diversity, 1965 to present
    From 1965 to our present years immigration has been climbing, with the abundance of jobs and freedom in our country many have come to the U.S. to create a better life and the number of immigrants we recieve each year has continued to climb.

  30. adrian perez says:

    topic 55. obesity in america i believe the finger can be pointed at both sides the fast food place and the person themselves the easy access to fast food and there prices make it possible and saves the headache of slaving in the kitchen after a hard days work at the same time as a person you do have the choice to eat it or not.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      You have some rich information, but your sentence lacks precision and clarity. Try something like, “Fast foods relation to obesity reflects the responsibilities of both . . . “

  31. adrian perez says:

    9/11 i believed caused a cultural change in america with immigration and the free will in are country. we are more strict with entrance to america and as a culture we are more together in bad situations. alot of standards and bars have been raised and i think it makes america more secure and wise on decisions.

  32. Sandra Rodriguez says:

    New systems and machines such as the telephone invented by Alexander Bell and the Phonograph invented by Thomas Edison, fueled the growth and efficiency of business in the United States.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      What is your topic? Follow directions and begin by selecting a topic from the topic list at the website’s themes and topics page. Think about what you are saying. Are you claiming that the phonograph made business more efficient? How?

  33. Jesse Bosworth says:

    There were many changes that happened in the 1920s, one was the changing of sexual mores which lead to not only new sexual mores but also new dating norms.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      You appear to be jumping ahead to Chapter 21 on the 1920s. So I will give you credit for the sixth forum. In terms of this sentence, it would be more effective if it began with the topic as the subject of the sentence and then fleshed out more aspects of the new mores besides dating.

  34. Jesse Bosworth says:

    During World War Two there were lots of changes that had to happen in America, one of them was how women’s work expectations transformed.

  35. jdelgaudio says:

    Your sentence is accurate as far as it goes, but you could add content to the object side of the sentence to give it more complexity and weight, and thus lay the foundation for a super topic paragraph.

  36. Jesse Bosworth says:

    In the 1950s we saw multiple changes happen to American culture, one of those changes was how we saw the family model change to the nuclear family. One of the reasons this happened was the country wide move to suburbia, this gave the family the chance for the man to go to work and the woman to stay at home taking care of the rest of the family.

  37. Jesse Bosworth says:

    Starting in the 1960s we started to see a change in immigration and a increase of diversity, one change was an increase of illegal immigration which lead to lots of diversity in the 1980s.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Your sentence has an awkward construction and an inadequate content because it doesn’t mention who the new immigrants were that added to the new diversity.

  38. Jesse Bosworth says:

    On the first of September of 2000 the United states made a huge leap forward in acceptance to people who are different than the majority, on that day people of the same sex in Vermont could get married, this was the biggest change to American culture that had happened in several years.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      I am assuming that your topic is Same Sex Civil Unions and Opposition. If so, you have half the equation going. Incorporate resistance to the measure as well to complete the topic.

  39. Linda Balderas says:

    Scientific racism played a big role in the cultural changes in the late 1800’s as it changed people’s opinions as to who was considered inferior or superior resulting in racism and segregation.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Your sentence would be stronger if you integrated more of the vocabulary related to the topic. Segregation is a good start, but what else did scientific racism lead to?

  40. Linda Balderas says:

    The 1920’s brought cultural and social changes especially to women after the 19th amendment gave them the right to vote which led to views such as the Radical Women’s’ Movement.

  41. jdelgaudio says:

    What is the theme you are working on and what is the topic of your sentence from the topics list? If you began your sentence with a topic from the topic list, it would be crystal clear. Try it!

  42. Linda Balderas says:

    American society continued to change among women during WW2 as propaganda, such as Rosie the Riveter, promoted women in the workplace which led to an increase in feminist views.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      I see what you are attempting to say, but it lacks clarity because your topic is poorly phrased. If your point is that government propaganda fostered feminism, then your sentence should begin

      “Government propaganda during WW II promoted changing gender roles through the vehicle of poster girls like “Rosie the Riveter,” whose impact led to an increase in feminist views.”

  43. Linda Balderas says:

    African Americans continued to deal with racism and segregation as the Jim Crow System allowed segregation to continue and kept schools, bars, movie theaters and even water fountains separate for whites and colored people.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      This is a good try, but your sentence is too vague as a topic sentence. It might be useful as a sentence within a larger paragraph. What is the topic you are addressing? You need to cite vocabulary to give the sentence factual depth and specific historical references.

  44. jason franklin says:

    Racism still exist in this country. African American still deal with the racist acts from the police departments, which causes uprising in the neighborhood

    • jdelgaudio says:

      Jason: follow directions. This is not a topic sentence related to the assigned material. Save this material for the last chapter. Please redo your sentence.

  45. Jessie says:

    Topic # 30.4: Cultural Conformity and Political Repression

    In additional to the general pacifist “hippie” counter-culture of the 1960’s, the public backlash against the Vietnam War and the tradition of white supremacy also gave rise to more extreme groups like The Weathermen who worked to orchestrate a revolutionary party to overthrow the US government.

    • jdelgaudio says:

      It is accurate to connect the rise of revolutionary politics in the Vietnam era to the opposition to the Vietnam war and its never ending story.

  46. Linda Balderas says:

    Women continued to fight for their rights with Feminism in the 1970’s by going on strikes and fighting for roles in the workplace, equal pay, abortion, and domestic violence, among others.

  47. jdelgaudio says:

    Your sentence, although accurate, doesn’t really make use of specific vocabulary related to the feminist movement. So you might want to rethink the content side of the sentence.

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